Monday, August 18, 2014

Non-Government Establishments Existing in Hong Kong 1841-50

Updated August 19, 2014

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Name Remarks
Hong Kong Register 香港紀錄報1843-58; successor of the Canton Register 廣州紀錄報 1827-43
Asile de la Sainte enfance 聖童之家est.1848
Turner & Co. 丹拿公司, also 華記洋行mercantile
Oriental Bank 麗如銀行
Jardine, Metheson & Co. 怡和洋行mercantile
Anglo-Chinese School
Bonanjee Hormusjee & Co.mercantile
Basel Missionary Society 巴色會
Bowra & Co.mercantile
British Hotel
British Queentavern
John Burd & Co.mercantile
Bush & Co.mercantile
China Mail 德臣西報, also 中國郵報est. February 1845
Crown & Anchortavern
Victoria Daily Advertiser and Shipping List
Dent & Co. 寶順洋行, also 顛地洋行mercantile
Emeny Bakery
Fletcher & Co.mercantile
Fortune of Wartavern
Zetland Lodge, Freemasonry 雍仁會est. March 1846
Friend of China and Hong Kong Gazette 香港公報
Gibb, Livingston & Co. 仁記洋行, also 乾記洋行 mercantile
Hong Kong Clubest. May 1846
Hong Kong Dispensary 香港大藥房
Jamieson, Edger & Co.mercantile
Jamieson, How & Co.mercantile
Kwanglee Hongmercantile
Lane, Crawford & Co. 卡刺佛公司, also 泰興公司mercantile
Lindsay & Co.mercantile
London Missionary Society 倫敦傳道會
London Taverntavern
Macvicar & Co.mercantile
McEwen & Co. 馬嬌雲洋行mercantile
Société des Missions étrangères de Paris (Society of Foreign Missions of Paris) 巴黎外方傳教會
N. Duus & Co.mercantile
Navy & Armytavern
Pacific & Peninsula Steam Navigation Co. (P&O) 大英火輪船公司
Philips, Moore & Co.mercantile
Prince of Walestavern
Rawle, Drinker & Co.mercantile
Ross & Pekinsshipbuilding
Seamen's Hospitalest. August 1843
Smith, Brimelow & Co.mercantile
Lunds Missionssällskap (Missionary Society of Lund in Sweden) 隆德佈道會
Syme, Muir & Co. 和記洋行mercantile
Victoria Dispensary
Victoria Library and Reading Roomsest. March 1848
Trustees of St. John's Church
Morrison Education Society
London Mission Society's Theological Seminary
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Hong Kong District
Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Hong Kong District
Society for Relief of Sick and Destitute Foreigners
Medical Missionary Society, Hong Kong Districtest.1845
Rhenish Mission
Union Chapel
Presbyterian Church
American Baptist Missionary Union
Roman Catholic Mission
Procure de la Propaganda
Royal Asiatic Society, China Branchest.1847
Trustees of the Hong Kong Theatrical Company
Eastern Globeest. June 1843
Propaganda de Fide Society
Man Mo Temple 文武廟est.1847
Mohammedan Mosqueest.1843
China Medico-Chirurgical Societyest. May 1845


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